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19 Lessons I Learned Before I Turned 20

This Friday I’m going to be able to say, “I’m in my 20’s.” That’s a really weird concept to me. I’m one year closer to figuring out my life, my career and achieving all that I want to accomplish. Over my very short nineteen year lifespan, I’ve picked up quite a few lessons through different experiences. I thought I’d share 19 of them with you so here goes:

1. Focus on yourself.  This may sound selfish, but it’s not. You are your #1 goal. If something isn’t making you happy, change it. Whether that means switching schools, quitting your job, following your passion in life… whatever it is, do it. I know I’m already sounding cliché but I truly mean it. Do what makes you happy.

2. Follow through. Follow through on your promises, your goals and your hobbies. You want people to think of you as reliable. Stay true to your word.  

3. Don’t worry about the small things. There are so many instances where I’ve stressed about things that overall didn’t matter at all. When I try to remember a time in which I’ve worried about how a certain situation made me look, I can’t think of one specific example. And that’s because it really DOES NOT MATTER; so don’t stress too much.

4. People are not going to like you and that’s okay. No one is perfect and we all have our flaws. It may not even have to do with you, it may just be their own personal issue(s). Either way, don’t let it affect you too much.

5. Time management is key. No matter how hard you try to stay on top of everything, you are going to need time management. It’s important to keep your life organized so you know what you need to do and when you need to do it. This’ll also make your life much simpler and relieve you of lots of unnecessary stress. 

6. Make time for being lazy. As crazy as your life may seem, you’re going to need time to yourself to do absolutely nothing. If you don't allocate time for this, you’ll run yourself too much and just crash. 

7. Eat healthy. It’s important to give your body the nutrients it needs to function properly. Fast food and potato chips are okay every once in awhile but ONLY every once in awhile. Don’t make a habit out of it.

8. Exercise. Along with eating healthy, you’re going to want to treat your body right. This could be a 30 minute walk every day or a 25 minute workout at the gym five days a week, just as long as you’re being active. Something I always do is take the stairs wherever I go instead of taking the escalator. 

9. Spend your money on adventures rather than objects. If you have to choose between buying an iPad or going on a trip somewhere, always choose the experience. You won’t regret it, I promise. 

10. Cherish the moment. Your life is going to constantly filled with Throwback Thursday and “Remember this?” pictures/memories from your friends. Every moment is going to be something that you’re going to look back on whether it’s a happy or sad memory, but remember to live in the present day. 

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11. Save your money. For every paycheck you get, save a portion of it. In a year you’ll thank me.  In five years, you’ll be ecstatic. And in twenty years you’ll be so glad you saved up. Then you can binge on something you really wanted.

12. Choose a career that makes you happy. They always say that if you choose a career you love, you’ll never have to work a day in your life. I truly believe this. You should feel excited about going to work and making a difference in your industry. Follow your dreams and work towards a job that is both rewarding and fun.

13. Don’t take things for granted. Always be thankful. No matter what, remember that there’s always someone who has it worse than you. Feel grateful for the life that you’re able to live.

14. Smile. The more you smile, the happier you’ll be. And not only will it improve your mood, but the attitudes of the people around you. Sometimes a smile is all someone needs to feel better about their day. 

15. Volunteer and give back to the community. One of the greatest feelings in the world is helping others less fortunate than you. A simple way to help out is to volunteer at a nursing home near you or help feed the homeless in your neighborhood. A little help goes a long way.

16. Always be respectful and kind. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve been in shock over the lack of respect from people. Remember that everyone is a human being and deserves the same sort of respect you’d expect others to give to you. 

17. Shake it off. No, not the Taylor Swift song. You’re going to have hard days and there are going to be times when you want to just sit and do nothing all day. And that’s alright. But it’s important to remind yourself that the next day will be a new day with brand new opportunities.

18. Try your hardest. Some days you may feel that you’re not going anywhere in life, but if you keep that mentality then it’ll come true. Always try to go above and beyond. Stay motivated. Set time bound goals and then achieve those goals. 

19. Make the right choices for you. Sometimes you may want to go out late at night but you’re not feeling 100% or you have an early morning class the next day. Be smart. One of the biggest parts of growing up is making the decisions that will ultimately play out in your favor.

And one for good luck: EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. I am a firm believer in this saying. Not everything is going to be perfect. You’re going to go through hard times. But in the end, it’s all going to work out. You will be okay. 

And remember, we all make mistakes. 

Make your life a good one! xo